Moreover, China has been in discussions with companies managing the leading international stock indexes on when its shares might be included in those indexes. 此外,中国一直在与管理知名国际股票指数的公司讨论将中国股市纳入指标的可能性。
When it came time to reward top executives last year, more leading companies handed out performance-based awards instead of time-vesting stock options, according to a new study from human resources consulting firm Mercer. 据人力资源咨询公司美世(Mercer)的最新调查显示,去年有更多行业领先公司在奖励高管时,发放了绩效奖励,而非需要股票期权。
But consumption rates across the country have fallen in recent years, leading to large stock piles of whale meat. 但是全国的鲸肉购买率今年已经下降了,导致大量鲸肉滞存。
Leading Asian stock markets, excluding China, fell yesterday, with Japanese stocks closing near four-month lows. 除中国以外,亚洲各大股市昨日纷纷下跌,日本股市收盘接近4个月来的低点。
On the context of the absent of market function, government took the leading role in the setting up of Chinese stock market. 内容提要我国股票市场是在市场基础缺失的背景下由政府主导建立起来的。
The leading domestic manufacturers are Fengfan Stock Co., Ltd, Zhejiang Tianneng Group and Shanghai Johnson Controls International Battery Co. 国内各目标市场的生产领头企业是风帆股份有限公司、浙江天能集团和上海江森自控国际蓄电池有限公司。
Most leading stock markets suffered only modest falls at worst and there was limited evidence of rising risk aversion in currency markets. 全球多数主要股市受到的最严重影响也仅仅是小幅下跌,同时外汇市场上投资者风险规避倾向上升的迹象也相当有限。
CNR is a leading provider in the field of locomotive and rolling stock. 中国南车是机车生产领域的龙头企业。
It shows the Taiwan government is ultra-sensitive to its leading companies leaving the stock market. 它表明台湾政府对主要企业离开台湾股市极为敏感。
Residential construction in tier 2 cities is leading to an oversupply of stock and frothy land prices – both of which put downward pressure on developers margins. 二线城市的住宅建设正在导致住宅存量供应过剩和地价泡沫&这两个现象都对开放商的利润率造成了下行压力。
Steven Sun, senior China strategist at HSBC in Hong Kong, said: You can see that with the rising economic power of China, the [ domestic currency] A share market is destined to be the leading stock exchange in Asia. 汇丰(HSBC)驻香港的中国市场资深策略师StevenSun表示:你可以看到,随着中国经济实力不断上升,(以人民币计价的)A股市场注定要成为亚洲领先的证券市场。
The fortunes of other early-stage companies, and venture capital investors, rest on Google leading the way successfully to the stock market. 处于早期发展阶段的其它公司未来怎样,风险投资商命运如何,都将取决于Google这次能否成功带头上市。
Leading share rises on the stock exchange. 主要股票在证券交易所的价格上扬。
Financial market turmoil spread around the world yesterday as the flight from risky investments sent both emerging markets and leading stock indices plunging. 金融市场动荡昨日波及全球,投资者远离高风险投资的行动令新兴市场和全球主要股指大幅跳水。
But that announcement caused dismay among many economists, leading to further calamitous falls in the Russian stock market. 但是,此举引发了许多经济学家的担忧,并造成俄罗斯股市进一步大幅下挫。
HSI an index of the leading stocks on the Hong Kong stock market. 恒生指数包含香港股票市场主要股票的指数。
I suggest that you concerned about the direction of big blue chips whose direct performance is that the white line of Leading Shanghai Stock stands above its yellow line. 所以建议关注大蓝筹股的动向,直观的表现,就是“上证领先”的白线在黄线之上。
It also reveals that the ways of asset restructuring and the means of payment are the main factors leading to different performance of corporations 'stock price. 同时发现资产重组类型、交易支付对价方式是资产重组事件使ST公司股价出现不同表现的主要影响因素。
Discussion of Reasons Leading Stock Snaking from Walking Beam Furnace and Its Control 步进梁式加热炉坯料跑偏原因的探讨与控制
This dissertation focuses on factors leading to the above problems from three aspect: stock market, supervision and insurance companies management raise the proposal for overcoming the above factors. 在此基础上,文中分别从股票市场、保险监管和保险企业等三方面,对我国保险投资现存问题产生的根源进行了剖析,并提出了相应对策。
There are mainly two kinds of patterns: one is type of Britain, America and France, also type of market leading, taking British and American stock market as representatives; 主要有两种模式:一是英美法系型,也称市场主导型,英、美两国为代表的以股市为主;
A typical one is market-leading mode of management to play a great part under high dispersing stock right and network leading mode of management under stock right structure that legal persons hold share alternately. 最典型的是高度分散股权结构下发挥外部治理机制作用的市场导向型治理模式和具有法人交叉持股的股权结构下发挥控制股东治理作用的网络导向型的治理模式。
Besides, soil degradation is also associated with off site problems of sedimentation, climate change, watershed functions, and changes in natural habitats leading to loss of genetic stock and biodiversity. 此外,土壤退化还造成如河流与湖泊淤积、土壤有机碳储量变化、特殊生境消失以及生物多样性减少等其它环境与生态问题,对人类的生存与可持续发展形成极大威胁。
Leading the Bank of Communication to International Stock Market 蒋超良:引领交通银行走向国际公众持股
At the same time, the bank's expectation of monetary policy operation may lead to its excessive reaction, causing its loan bias to be "excessively slack" or "too rigid", thus leading to the actual money stock to deviate from predetermined target. 同时,由于银行对货币政策操作的预期可能使之做出过度反应,使其贷款偏好“过松”或“过紧”,进而导致实际的货币存量超出预定的目标值。
The Research of Leading into Short-Mechanism in our Stock Market 我国股票市场引入做空机制的研究
And propose that encourages leading the stock right into TDT Company, and design the corresponding implementing scheme. 并提出将股权激励引入TDT公司,设计了相应的实施方案。
As can be seen in the franchise value of foreign research in a leading position, while the domestic stock market due to underdevelopment, so that our franchise value measurement is intrinsically flawed. 可以看出国外在特许权价值研究方面处于领先地位,而国内由于证券市场的不发达,使我国的特许权价值计量存在先天不足。
But a few years ago, some law violation events of Southern Securities, Dapeng Securities, Xinhua securities continued, leading to abnormal fluctuations in the stock market, which greatly damaged interests of investors. 但前几年南方证券、大鹏证券、新华证券等违法违规事件的不断发生,引起了证券市场不正常的波动,极大地损害了投资者的利益。
There are mainly two modes of Venture Capital Leading Fund overseas: joint stock and guaranteed financing. And in China, the vast majority of Venture Capital Leading Funds adopts the joint stock mode. 海外国家创业投资引导基金的运作模式主要包括两种:参股支持模式与融资担保模式,在我国,绝大部分的政府创业投资引导基金采取的是参股支持模式。